Ok: so it's only taken 8 months to get this all together. "Why?" you may rightly ask. Well; I left Ex'pression College at the end of the project to start a full time job at Academy Art University. This left me no time to carry on with the wardrobe.
At long last, I've had the opportunity to follow up and get the assets out together. Watch here for word the moment they go live on the Ex'pression College website. Until then, you can download a .rar archive of the entire library HERE.
Now - a quick preview of the goodies to come. Enjoy!
Animation by Logan and Josue, costumes by the rest of the team. Morphy rig by Josh Burton.
Great!! please make one tutorial about how put de cloth a Morpheus.
Watch josh Burton's great Morphy tutorial videos here:
to learn all about adding clothes to Morphy.
Hi David,
First off, these are awesome! Looks like the team did a fantastic job. :D
I'm curious, are there any particular things to keep in mind when applying the clothes to the rig (aside from Josh Burton's tutorial)? For instance, I tried applying one of the outfits to the rig, but the skinning was a bit messed up, and some vertices were moving obviously incorrectly. Any steps I might have missed? Any tips or tricks you could offer to those of us who want to use this incredible selection of Morphy assets?
unfortunately I'm at a loss as to why the bake body geo (the button that creates all the blend shapes) sometimes fails. The copy skin weights button (skin in a new mesh) is usually foolproof. It means you need to morph morphy, then modify the clothes to match, then attach them.
Hi David,
Thank you for the advice! I think I've found where my problem is, though. I've pulled up the paint skin weights tool, and there's some skin weight problems at the knees and upper thighs. I'm attempting to fix it, but I'm not having much luck (as skinning is not my strong suit!).
The issue has occurred on a fresh Morphy as well as a morphed Morphy (where I also edited the pants and other clothes). Any thoughts? I hope that I won't be the only one to find your advice helpful. :D
The link's broken, would it be possible for you to reupload it?
+1 for please reupload. The work is awesome, I'd love to use it!!!
Thanks for the notice everyone. The links are fixed now; give 'em a try and don't forget to support Josh and Morphy 2.0
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