Welcome to the Project

Remember when all Morpheus wore was that gray leotard? Let's get him into something a little more comfortable.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Morpheus 2.0!

Hoping to coordinate rolling out the existing costume assets with the release of Morphy 2.0. 
(Click HERE to download the costumes from mediafire)

Spread the word and support this great project.

Trouble with the first link? I've added a Dropbox mirror download HERE
There is also a Google drive link HERE that will allow you to browse and download individual items


David G Latour said...

Fixed the download link - hopefully you can all get the costumes now. I've also passed the assets off to Josh to use with Morphy 2.0.

Sid said...

Hi David!

Been trying to download the files off Google docs for about two days now but it fails after about 2.2 MB or thereabouts. Is it possible for you to add mirrors to the rar file, preferably on mediafire/dropbox?


David G Latour said...

Removed some un-needed Tiffs/Targas and converted some to JPEGS to reduce the archive size. Download link should be working now. Added Dropbox mirror as well (mediafire won't allow folder uploads)

Sid said...

Sweet - thanks mate, downloading now!

Lasse said...

Hey! Thanks for doing all these assets. I can't seem to find any documentation on how to apply the clothing to the rig - can you point me in the right direction?


David G Latour said...

There's some great documentation on Josh's website for adding the clothing (or any custom geo).